The kanban card status indicates at what stage in the procurement process the kanban card is. In KanbanBOX a kanban card can be in one of the following statuses:
New: the kanban card has been created but not activated yet.
Empty: the bin is empty, the kanban card is removed but the order to supplier has not been released yet.
Batching: the kanban card is waiting for other cards to complete the batch, before the release of the whole minimum batch.
Pending: the kanban card is waiting for the insertion of the order number in order to be released.
Released: the empty kanban card is a replacement order for the supplier.
In process: the supplier has confirmed the order.
Done: the supplier has produced the goods.
In transit: the kanban card is on its way to the customer.
Full: the kanban card has been replenished and is now available at the customer place.
For a correct turnover of kanban cards, two are the fundamental statuses: Released and
Full. In the simplest processes, for example a production kanban in which supplier and customer are close or a purchase kanban of small parts, it may be convenient to manage only these two statuses.
In other cases, for example for a purchase kanban for external supply or a production kanban in which customer and supplier aren’t so close, it is important that supplier gives his feedback to the customer, setting kanban statuses
In process,
Done and/or
In transit.
Now let’s see in more detail the meaning of each status.
Overview of kanban statuses
New Kanban
A kanban card is in New status when it is created in KanbanBOX. The first step is to investigate if the kanban corresponds to a bin available in the warehouse or if the material is not available and has to be replenished by the supplier.
To activate a new kanban card, you need to:
- Print the kanban card.
- Scan the barcode and set the correct status, depending if bin and parts are available at warehouse or not.
Once it is activated, a kanban card cannot go back to the New status.
Empty Kanban
A kanban card is Empty when parts in the bin are run out but the supplier has not been triggered. The Empty status is used when a department (could be purchasing or logistics) needs to evaluate and select the supplier. The department can search and filter empty Kanban cards on the board to decide if triggering the replenishment or not. Empty status is optional, and can be skipped directly to set kanban cards in released status.
The use of the Empty status is not recommended because it separates the moment of consumption of a card from the moment of sending the reorder signal, introducing a further step in the kanban cycle and time in the lead time of replenishment. For this reason in KanbanBOX, the Empty status is disabled by default.
Batching Kanban
A kanban card is set in Batching status when the policy of the kanban loop is Batch kanban and, after the release, the total number of released Kanban cards does not reach the minimum batch size. KanbanBOX automatically regulates batching status. Kanban card exits the batching status only when the batch size is reached and all the cards are automatically set in released status. If he wants, the supplier can set in process a batching kanban card.
Pending Kanban
A kanban card can enter the Pending status when, at the time of its release, it is necessary to enter the order number created by the management system. KanbanBOX automatically regulates the Pending status, which also applies to batching cards, so once the number of kanban cards required for the release of the batch is reached, they will automatically go into the Pending status, when this one is enabled.
Only when the order number corresponding to a kanban card is entered in the "order number for customer" field, the same card can be set to the Released status.
Be aware that, for the computation of the required date, KanbanBOX will consider the time when the card enters the Pending status and not the time when it enters the Released status.
The Pending status is disabled by default: you can activate it from your company settings.
- Go to
Settings >
Company settings;
- Select the tab Set kanban settings and scroll down to the section Pending status configuration;
- Select the kanban loop types you wish to activate the Pending status for, then for each type select:
- All the loops, to activate it for all the loops belonging to that type;
- Specific filter, to activate it based on a filter which can be selected inside Select filter;
- Disabled, to disable it for all the loops belonging to that type.
- Click on
Save to save the edits.
Released Kanban
A Released kanban card triggers a replenishment order to the supplier: it authorizes supplier to process parts and send the kanban card respecting the lead time previously agreed. Only customer can set released status.
The Required Date of a kanban card is calculated when the card is released, regardless of the status of the card at the time of the release (New, Empty, Batching or Full).
In process Kanban
Supplier sets a kanban card In process to confirm the order with its required date of delivery. In process status indicates that supplier takes charge of customer’s request, providing important feedback to customer.
Done Kanban
Done status indicates that the material is ready for pickup or delivery. Done status is useful for the customer to organize pickups following a milk-run or for the supplier to keep track of what is produced and what needs to be completed. Supplier sets kanban done.
In transit Kanban
A kanban card is set in transit when the material is shipped to the customer. Supplier sets kanban in transit.
Full Kanban
The customer sets kanban card as full only when the material arrives at customer’s site. In customer’s supermarket every bin needs to have its own kanban card attached.
Changing the kanban status
The fastest way to change the kanban status is to read barcode of the kanban card and submit it in KanbanBOX homepage using the specific widget. As an alternative, it is possible to read the barcode and change the status in Set page, with a mobile device or with the smartphone app, or change the kanban status with a click in the kanban board. The mandatory statuses are only two: released and full. The Kanban status change needs to respect the scheme represented in the picture, otherwise, KanbanBOX blocks the action showing the user an error message.
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