How to allow a supplier to modify the quantity of the kanban cards?
If the supplier delivers a partial amount or an exceeding amount of the quantity ordered by the kanban card, the supplier can modify in KanbanBOX the quantity of the kanban card that is currently in a state attributable to the supplier ( In production,
In order to make the modification of the kanban card quantity possible, please go to Settings >
Company settings and in the section Kanban board set the parameter Allow to change the current quantity of kanban card from the board pop-up on Yes.
After having set the parameter, from Board as supplier the supplier can change the quantity of the kanban card:
- click on the kanban card to open the pop-up;
- click on the blue script Modify next to the quantity;
- a pop-up will open asking to insert the exact quantity of the kanban card;
- confirm the quantity by clicking on Save.
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