The Sequencer is a KanbanBOX module that permits, within a department, to allocate to the department resources released and/or in process kanban cards, optimizing the production sequence of every resource and providing the operator with an interface to visualize kanban cards assigned to his resource.
Within a department, each production machine has its sequence of production. Every kanban loop is preassigned to a resource, so kanban cards are sequenced by default with FIFO logic. The aim is to create a sequencing process that works automatically, in which take actions only if there is a real need.
Can be sequenced:
- Kanban cards released in KanbanBOX;
- Closed orders (extra Kanban cards) inserted in KanbanBOX with an excel file or automatically from the ERP.
The Sequencer module is activated by the KanbanBOX Team, if requested.
How to visualize the Sequencer
- Get in Heijunka > Sequencer.
- In the new page Sequencer are shown resources with related sequences of kanban cards.
The ordering of resources corresponds to the ordering of groups and resources set in Sequencer groups configuration in the Heijunka section in the Company settings. - In sequences there are only kanban cards in status Released and In process.
- In the header of each resource are shown:
- Number of cards: number of displayed kanban cards and total number of kanban cards assigned to the resource.
- Total Processing Time: time required for processing all the kanban cards assigned to the resource.
To calculate the Total Processing Time, the Processing time has to be filled in all the loops with sequenced cards. If it is not calculable, KanbanBOX returns the error "Calculation error! Insert the card processing time."
It is possible to compact the view of the single sequences, clicking on the icon in the resource window, at the top right. To expand a compacted resource, click on the icon in the column with the resource to expand.
Search for a card or a part number among resources
In the Sequencer page it is possible, through the Search... box, to search:
- a specific kanban card, inserting the kanban card ID;
- a part number, inserting the part code;
- a card with a specific Card Reference, inserting the Card Reference.
- Get in Heijunka > Sequencer.
- In the Sequencer page, click on the Search... box at the top right.
- Insert the kanban card ID, the Part number or the Card reference to search for.
- A table with all the cards that match with the research is shown. In the row with the kanban card to search, click on Go to card.
- The selected kanban card is highlighted.
Filter resources
By default, in the sequencer page are shown all the resources on which the user has visibility (to edit the partner visibility for a user, see the guide How to set the user visibility on partners).
To filter the resources you want to see in the sequencer page:
- Click on Filter.
- Click on
- a Group, to select all the resources that belong to a group;
- the single Resources, to select one or more resources from the list;
- Select all, to select all the resources.
- Confirm the selection clicking on Show.
Possible actions on cards from the Sequencer
Clicking on the icon in the card row, the card pop-up is opened and it is possibile to perform these actions:
Action | Icon | Description |
To print the kanban card | ||
Block | To block or unblock the kanban card | |
Out of stock | To mark the kanban card as out of stock or to remove the out of stock flag | |
Priority | To mark the kanban card as a priority or to remove the priority flag | |
Edit | To edit kanban card data | |
Status change | To change the kanban card status |
Change of the sequence
To move the kanban card from a resource to another, or to change the position of a kanban card within the same resource, select, drag and drop the kanban card in the new position or in the new resource:
Group of cards with the same part number
On kanban cards whose part number is present also in other kanban cards that are sequenced:
- in another resources,
- in the same resource, but in a position not adjacent to the kanban card,
the icon is present. Clicking on the icon all the resources in which there are other kanban cards with the same part number are listed.
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