What are Reports?
In the Report module is possible to find all the lists and the reports that track the history of the most important activities.
History - Moves
The History - Moves table tracks all the changes occurred in a given time on Kanban and extra Kanban cards. For better overall system performance, the mask is filtered on the last month situation.
The table tracks both the declarations made by the license users and those made by the users of the license of the supplier (column: Last modify user).
From this report it's possible to go back to the Source, that is the instrument used to change the status.
The Source can be:
Type | Description |
Automatic | They are the "halfway" and optional declarations, made automatically by the system. |
Board | The declarations are made by the browser, via the widgets or directly from the board. |
API | Change of status due to integration with the management system. |
Android, iOS, … | The declaration was made through the use of the app. |
Documents | The status change (In transit/Full) took place via the Documents module. |
RFID | The declaration is made by RFID technology. |
Another important field is Released date, that is when consumption was recorded (the available card is declared Empty or Released). Add the column you need clicking on the icon Customize table fields (top right of the table).
History - Worklists
The History - Worklists reports summarize all the cards that have been included in a worklist created by a user. For better overall system performance, the masks are filtered on the last month situation.
From the masks, it's possible to find out which cards were included in a given worklist or, on the contrary, in which worklist a particular card is included. The tables are filterable and data can be pulled out into an Excel spreadsheet by the Export data to Excel icon (top right of the table).
The History - Worklists reports are divided in two different tabs:
- Active worklists: where you can see the cards of active worklists you own, so those that were created by a user of your license, as well as the one you don't own but on which you have visibility;
- Worklist history: where you can see all your owned worklists, even those that don't have active cards on the board.
History - Scanning log
The History - Scanning log tracks all tha actions made by license users on kanban, extra kanban cards and worklists. On the other hand, changes made by users of the linked licenses (both suppliers or customers) will not be visible.
For each action, the mask shows the initial (Initial Status and Scanned String) and the final situation (Final Status and Final String).
The table also shows the Result of the operation and the Message to the user.
The following actions are tracked:
- card status change;
- block/unblock of a card;
- change of the card quantity (in the column Message to the user it is possible to see the change);
- set the card as urgent;
- set the card as put of stock;
- execution of a workflow.
From this report it’s possible to go back to the Source, that is the instrument used to change the status.
The Source can be:
Type | Description |
Automatic | They are the "halfway" and optional declarations, made automatically by the system. |
Board | The declarations are made by the browser, via the widgets or directly from the board. |
API | Change of status due to integration with the management system. |
Android, iOS, … | The declaration was made through the use of the app. |
Documents | The status change (In transit/Full) took place via the Documents module. |
RFID | The declaration is made by RFID technology. |
For better overall system performance, the mask is filtered on the last month situation.
History - Kanban statuses
The History - Kanban statuses is a table that shows all the kanban loops, the status of the cards at any time, the number of existing orders (number of released cards per quantity), the number of extra kanban cards.
The mask shows data in real-time and is constantly updated.
For each kanban loop, it's possible to access the statistics clicking on the icon Kanban loop statistics in the Operations column, at the end of the row.
Here are gathered some essential charts:
- Historical kanban available in supermarket;
- Historical consumption;
- Average delivery lead time;
- Value of stock;
- Inventory turns on a yearly basis;
- Out of stock.
For each chart it is possible to set the time range you want to survey and pull out data into an Excel Spreadsheet, clicking on the icon Export data to Excel in the tab Data.
History - FIFO Report
The FIFO issues table shows, for each kanban card present in the board, how many times the card has been overtaken by other cards that belong to the same loop. For better overall system performance, the report execution has to be required by clicking on the icon Request a new report.
For each kanban card the table shows:
- Overtaking cards no.: it represents how many times the card, in the status in which it is set, has been overtaken by other kanban cards belonging to the same loop, that is how many times other cards of the same loop were set in the same status successively to the concerned card, and already set in a subsequent status;
- % overtaking: it represents the percentage of overtakes that the kanban card had. The percentage is calculated as the number of overtakes divided by the number of cards.
The critical percentage is represented by 100%: when the percentage of overtaking is equal or higher than this value, the kanban card has been overtaken by all the other kanban cards of the same loop.
The higher this percentage, the higher the attention to be paid to the kanban card, so we suggest to order the table by descending % overtaking.
Main causes of an high number of overtakes
An high number of overtakes can have one of these causes:
- the kanban card container physically exists but is not present in the warehouse, consequently it has been lost.
In this case, if you cannot find the container, you should set the kanban card quantity to zero and release the card. - the kanban card container has been consumed but the kanban card was not released. The loop is running with one card in less. A comparison between the KanbanBOX stock and the ERP stock can reveal a KanbanBOX stock higher than the ERP stock. In this case, you should release the card.
For each card it is possible to access the history of the kanban loop to which the card belongs, clicking on the icon Kanban loop status, in the Operations column.
History - Comment History
The Comment History table shows all the comments inserted in kanban cards with the related Insert Date and the Comment Author.
The table tracks only comments inserted by the license users, not those made by the users of the passive licenses.
From this table, it is possible to trace comments inserted in kanban cards no longer present in the board.
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