The Advance kanban functionality allows you to keep the card ID of the upstream loop even in the downstream one, avoiding reprinting it.
KanbanBOX allows this action only if certain conditions are met:
- The customer of the upstream loop must be the supplier of the downstream loop;
- The Part number of the two loops must be the same;
- There must be no repackaging, so the type of Bin and the amount of pieces per Bin (Q) of the two loops must be the same;
- The cards of the two loops must be Throwaway type;
- It is recommended that there is only one consumption point downstream. Otherwise, there must be a poka yoke physical mechanism that prevents several downstream supermarkets from being restored simultaneously.
- Create the downstream loop and the upstream loop respecting the prerequisites list above. More information on how to create correctly a kanban loop can be found on Create a new kanban loop article.
- Set the downstream kanban card that has to be replenished to In process status. It can be done in two different ways:
- if the cards are few, it is possible to set to In process one card at the time;
- if the cards are many, it is better to create a worklist that filters all the Released cards of the downstream loop and then set to In process just the worklist summary card. For more information on how to create a worklist, see Create and update a worklist article.
- Set Advance kanban widget. See paragraph Set Advance kanban widget.
- Use Advance kanban widget. See paragraph Use Advance kanban widget.
Set Advance kanban widget
- Get in Home page and clik on Edit your home page on the bottom left or right of the page;
Search for the Advance kanban widget and configure it based on your process:
- upstream kanban can change from Full status to Released or Empty status;
- downstream kanban can change from In process status to Done, In transit or directly to Full status;
Click on Add widget.
Use Advance kanban widget
- Insert in the Advance kanban widget the ID of the card in the Full status of the upstream loop that has to be consumed or withdrawn.
Click on Save.
After the declaration:
- in the upstream loop:
- the declared kanban changes from Full status to Released or Empty status, depending on how the widget was configured;
- the Released or Empty kanban card has a new Card ID.
- in the downstream loop:
- the kanban card that was set to In process (if there are more than one, the one set to in process earlier) changes status to Done, In transit or Full, depending on how the widget was configured;
- the kanban card that changes status takes the Card ID of the kanban card of the upstream loop that was read with the widget.
Physical process
The Advance kanban physical process is usualy done by the warehouseman. For a correct use of the functionality, the physical process can be described in this way:
- the warehouseman sets the kanbans in Released status that are going to be restored to In process;
- the warehouseman uses the Advance kanban to declare the kanbans he picks;
- the material is transported by moving the containers, without changing the cards;
- finally the kanban cards are set to Full when placed on the client supermarket.
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