The Inbound Document to be received feature allows a customer to generate an inbound to-be-received delivery note with material incoming from a particular supplier. This feature, unlike the Inbound delivery note, allows the customer to generate an inbound delivery note in all those situations where the supplier is unable to create an outbound delivery note.
In fact, while with the Inbound delivey note we assume that the material is already present at the customer and just needs to be received, with the Inbound to be received feature we allow the customer to add all those kanban cards that are to be shipped or in transit to the latter, with the aim of decoupling the phase of preparation and shipping of the material from the supplier to the customer from the actual receiving phase. It will then be at the receiving stage that the customer will set the kanban cards to the Full status.
Add an Inbound to be received delivery note
This type of documents can be created by clicking on Documents > New documents > Inbound to be received.
Fill the form with the following data:
Fields Description Document type The default value can be set in Company setting > Default Document type. It's a free text. Document date Delivery date. Document number Usually, the vendor's shipping note number. Tracking number Usually, the shipping tracking number. -
Click on Save: a new page will appear where you can add the kanban cards to the document.
In order to add a kanban card to the document, insert the ID of the kanban card inside the field Add cards to the document and then click on Add. At this stage, the status of the card will not change and the current status is kept by default.
The read kanban cards are automatically added to the document. Inside the box below you can have a preview of the kanban cards that have been correctly added to the document.
In order to successfullly add a card to the document, the following conditions must be satisfied:
- Unique supplier: it is not possible to add to the same document cards that belong to different suppliers;
- One-to-one correspondence: a card can be inserted only once and on a single document.
In case you wish to modify either the document type, document date, document number or the tracking number, you could simply click on Edit document and modify them correspondingly.
It is also possible to remove from the document one or more rows that are in the status Added just by clicking on the icon at the right end of the row you wish to remove.
Click on Finish and review at the bottom right corner of the page to see a summary of the document.
- To close the document, click on Close the document: when the document is closed, it is not possible to modify it (by adding or deleting lines) or to delete it anymore.
Receive an Inbound delivery notes
When receiving the material, you would need to go to Documents > Documents list > Active documents where you can find all the documents that are in the status To be received.
In order to proceed with the receipt of the material, select the document of interest and then click on Receive document.
Receive the whole delivery note
In order to accept all the rows inside the document, simply click on the check icon inside the table header section at the top right corner. This action will set to Full all the kanban cards of the document.
Receive part of the delivery note
In case not all the cards in the delivery note have been received, only some of said cards can be set to the Full status: in order to do so, click on the check icons corresponding to the rows you have actually received.
It is also possible to declare as Full the cards by scanning their barcode in the Set kanban "Full" section above.
N.B.: if a card is set Full via declaration or through the board, the corresponding row gets closed and marked as Received.
Reject part of the delivery note
It is possible to reject one or more rows by clicking on the red cross icon at the end of the row.
N.B.: rejected cards keep their current status and can therefore be added to a new document, if necessary.
Print the cards
In order to print all the cards of the document, click on the printer icon inside the table header section.
If you wish to print only one or more selected cards, click on the printer icon at the end of the row corresponding to said cards.
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