The Visibility options allow company A to share visibility on one of its internal partners with a related company B.
The option is useful for managing very complex cases of:
companies with multiple internal destinations who want these ones to communicate with a specific supplier
(think for example of screws suppliers that deliver directly to the department);
companies with multiple plants that need to connect internal departments of different plants, so that they communicate directly.
Who |
What |
1 |
Company A |
Start the procedure to grant a company B visibility on your internal partner by joining Masters > Links > Active links and: - in Partner name, select company B to which you want to grant visibility on your internal partner;
- in the column Operations, click on the button with the orange arrow Share internal partner visibility with this company;
- in the new screen, choose the internal partner to be shown and click on the button Allow (*company B name) to see the partner. For the shared partner, a green tick will appear in place of the red x. By clicking again on the green tick, you turn off visibility.
2 |
Company B |
To see the visibility requests received, login to Masters > Links > Active links and:- in the column Operations, click on the button View partners on which you've received visibility in the license line of company A and displays the internal partners of A on which you can receive visibility. A new screen opens automatically: Partners that (company A name) has shared with you_;
- click on the green button Add new partner and associate the partner shared from the outside with your partner who identifies him:
- by selecting Yes from the drop-down menu in the field Create partner automatically, the partner master is created automatically by KanbanBOX;
- by selecting No*, you can associate it with an existing partner master or create a new one by clicking on the green button and filling in the form _Partner to link.
The Company B can now view - in more detail on the Board - the cards of company A intended for the internal partner and can collaborate with the new internal partner in the direct management of the supply.
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