What is the Historical consumption module?
The "Historical consumption" module allows you to massively import or update historical consumption data relative to part numbers already present in the Master data.
To activate the module in your license, get in touch with your key account manager or simply send a request to our Helpdesk.
How to import a consumption history
- Get in
Master data >
Import >
Consumption history;
- Click on import_consumption_history_template.xlsx
to download the Excel file where you can enter the consumption data;
- Open the Excel file import_consumption_history_template.xlsx: the tab Instructions shows a brief guide on how to file the document;
- Fill in the data in the tab Consumption History (see the guide below);
- Save the Excel file (keeping the name import_consumption_history_template.xlsx is not mandatory);
- Go back to KanbanBOX in
Master data >
Import >
Consumption history;
- Click on Choose file in the field Excel file for Consumption History;
- Search and select the file saved in point 5;
- Click on Open: the file be uploaded in the form;
Click on
Consumption history import (add or replace): a new page will appear showing the data. Pay particular attention to the columns Errors and Action:
Field Description Errors If the import causes an error, the data row is placed at the top of the imported consumption histories and will not be imported to the system. It is possible to know the reason for the error in this column. Action - Add new: a new consumption history is added.
- Update: if the part number already has a consumption history associated with that date, it is updated with the new one.
- Discard: if there is an error, the row can be discarded, meaning that it will not be uploaded.
Click on
Import data in KanbanBOX to complete the import process. If you need to go back, just click on
Cancel import;
- To see the imported data, click on
Master data >
Consumption history: a table will appear showing all the imported consumption data.
How to file the consumption history template
Column | Field | Field description | Field constraints |
1 | Part number | Part number of the kanban loop. | Required field. Maximum length: 255 characters. |
2 | Quantity | Quantity consumed. | Required field. It must be a number. |
3 | Consumption date | Date when the consumption happened. | Required field. It must be a date. |
- the component must be already present in the Master data section, otherwise the import will generate an error;
- the unit of measurement is not necessary;
- each component can have a single consumption history at a time, meaning that importing another consumption history is going to overwrite the one that is already present for that component;
- we assume that the consumption dates are in accordance with the timezone specified for the license.
How to use the consumption history with kanban projects
Consumption histories can be used for the computation of the maximum consumption per day to be used during the dimensioning of the kanban system whenever we create or update a kanban project.
In fact, once you have correctly imported a consumption history for a specific part number already present in the Master data section, you can select the consumption history within the corresponding kanban project at the section Imported consumption series under Process information.
If there is no consumption history associated with that component, the field Imported consumption series will not be visible.
When a consumption history has been selected, the field Maximum consumption per day cannot be overwritten, yet it can be re-calculated whenever the Lead time or the imported consumption history are updated.
How to use the consumption history with kanban loops
Consumption histories can be used for the computation of the maximum consumption per day to be used during the dimensioning of the kanban system whenever creating or updating a kanban loop.
With an imported consumption series selected for the loop, the field Maximum consumption per day can still be overwritten, however the field Maximum daily consumption from KanbanBOX gets re-calculated whenever the Lead time or the consumption series are updated.
To copy the value of the field Maximum daily consumption from KanbanBOX onto the field Maximum consumption per day for the Kanban calculator, simply click on the arrow .
Period of analysis
To compute the maximum consumption per day, KanbanBOX will take into account by default a period of analysis equal to 5 times the Lead time starting from the last date in which the kanban project (or the kanban loop) has been created or updated.
To modify the period of analysis, click on Settings >
Company settings > Kanban consumption calculation, modify the Period of analysis in Lead Times accordingly and click on
Consumption history and loop statistics
Inside the loop statistics it is possible to visualize the imported historical consumption for that loop up to the very first consumption that has been registered by KanbanBOX.
To differentiate them from the actual consumptions registered by KanbanBOX, the imported historical consumptions are represented with a different color .
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