What is the partners import?
The partners import is a feature that allows you to massively upload or edit a large number of partners inside the partners master data.
How to import new partners
- Go to
Master data >
Import >
- In the page Partners import click on import_partner.xlsx
at the section Download Excel template to download the blank Excel file;
- Open the Excel file import_partner.xlsx: the sheet Instructions carries some information on how to use the file, while in the sheet Partners you can fill in the actual data about your partners;
- Fill in all the data (to know more about the fields, see the details below);
- Save the file (keeping the name import_partner.xlsx is not mandatory);
- Go back to KanbanBOX and then to
Master data >
Import >
- Click on Choose file at the section Excel file for Partners;
- Select the file and click on Open to upload the file into KanbanBOX;
- Click on
Partners import (add or update);
A new page will appear showing the data filled in the Excel file. Pay particular attention to the columns:
Field Description Errors If the import causes an error, the line will be placed at the top of the partner list and will not be imported to the system. In this column, you can also see the reason of the error. Action Update: the partner is not new and will be updated. Attention: each updated partner will discard all previously entered information in all fields and adopt the new data provided in the Excel file! Add new: a new partner is added in the Partners master data.
Click on
Import data in KanbanBOX to complete the import.
How to update partners through import
- Go to
Master data >
Partners >
Partners list;
- Filter the partners you want to update;
- Click on
Export partners for import at the top right section of the table: the file import_partners.xlsx, containing all the previously filtered partners, is downloaded automatically;
- Open the Excel file import_partner.xlsx: the sheet Instructions shows a brief guide on how to use file, while in the sheet Partners you can update the partners;
- Edit the file and save it (keeping the name import_partners.xlsx is not mandatory);
- Go back to KanbanBOX and then to
Master data >
Import >
- Click on Choose file at the section Excel file for Partners;
- Select the file and click on Open to upload the file into KanbanBOX;
- Click on
Partners import (add or update);
A new page will appear showing the data filled in the Excel file. Pay particular attention to the columns:
Field Description Errors If the import causes an error, the line will be placed at the top of the partner list and will not be imported to the system. In this column, you can also see the reason of the error. Action Update: the partner is not new, but it will be updated. Attention: each updated partner will discard all previously entered information in all fields and adopt the new data provided in the Excel file! Add new: a new partner is added in the Partners master data.
Click on
Import data in KanbanBOX to complete the import.
How to fill in the partners import sheet
The sheet is divided into:
- Columns: based on the maximum number of fields that can be imported in the Partners master data;
- Lines: number of partners that you want to massively import in the Partners master.
Column | Field | Field description | Field constraints |
1 | Partner name | The name of the partner. | Required field. It must be unique for each partner in the master data. |
2 | Supplier | If the partner is a supplier for kanban materials, write yes, otherwise write no. | Required field. |
3 | Customer | If the partner is a customer for kanban materials, write yes, otherwise, write no. | Required field. |
4 | Type | If a partner is internal (a production department, a warehouse, an assembly line) select internal, otherwise if it is external (an external supplier or customer) select external. | Required field. |
5 | Partner number | The unique code that identifies the partner. | Optional. |
6 | Partner custom field 1 | Partner custom field 1: you can customize in the Company settings | Optional. Maximum length of 255 characters. |
7 | Partner custom field 2 | Partner custom field 2: you can customize in the Company settings | Optional. Maximum length of 255 characters. |
8 | Partner custom field 3 | Partner custom field 3: you can customize in the Company settings | Optional. Maximum length of 255 characters. |
For each completed line, a new partner will be added to the table Partners master data.
When editing the file, follow these rules:
- Do not change the name of the sheet Partners or it will not be considered during the import;
- Do not change the name of the fields or the data will not be considered during the import;
- Additional sheets will not be considered during import;
- Additional columns will not be considered during import;
- Any missing columns will be considered as invalid values;
- The cells of the columns must not contain formulas.
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