What is the import of Kanban loops?
Through the form Import Kanban Loops, a large number of loops can be imported massively into the Active Kanban loops table.
A kanban loop is a flow of cards characterized by:
- one part number;
- one supplier;
- one customer.
How to import new kanban loops
- Link on
Master data >
Import >
Kanban Loops;
- In the page Import Kanban Loops click on import_kanban.xlsx
in the field Download Excel template;
- The empty Excel file is automatically downloaded: here you can enter the new kanban loops;
- Open the Excel file import_kanban.xlsx.
- The first sheet Instructions shows a brief guide on how to compile the file. To insert the kanban loops, click on the second sheet Kanban Loops;
- Fill in all the data (see details below, in the compilation guide);
- Save the Excel file (keeping the name import_kanban.xlsx is not mandatory);
- Re-enter KanbanBOX in
Master data >
Import >
Kanban Loops;
- In the field Excel file for Kanban Loops click on Choose file;
- Search for and select the file saved in point 7;
- Click on Open;
- The file is now selected and loaded into the space provided. Then click on
Import Kanban Loops;
In the new screen, the data entered in the Excel will be re-proposed. Pay particular attention to the last two columns:
Field Description Errors If the import causes an error, the line will be placed at the top of the loop list and will not be imported to the system. It is possible to know the reason for the error in this column. Action Update: the loop is not new, but it will be updated into the Active Kanban Loops table. Attention: every updated kanban loop loses all the information previously entered in all fields and acquires the new ones inserted in the Excel file! Add new: a new kanban loop is added to the table Active Kanban Loops.
Click on
Import data in KanbanBOX to complete the import. The data will now be entered into the table Active kanban loops.
How to update kanban loops by the import
- Access
Kanbans >
Active Kanban Loops;
- In the table, filter the loops you want to update;
- Click on the icon in the table menu
Export kanban loops for import;
- The file import_kanban.xlsx is downloaded automatically: it contains all the loops filtered in the table Kanban Loops;
- Open the Excel file import_kanban.xlsx;
- The first sheet Help shows a brief guide on how to compile the file. To modify the loop, click on the second sheet Kanban Loops;
- Edit the file and save it (keeping the name import_kanban.xlsx is not mandatory);
- Go back to KanbanBOX in
Master data >
Import >
Kanban Loops;
- In the field Excel file for Kanban Loops click on Choose file;
- Search for and select the file saved in step 7;
- Click on Open;
- The file is now selected and loaded into the space provided. Then click on
Import Kanban Loops;
In the new screen, the data entered in the Excel will be re-proposed. Pay particular attention to the last two columns:
Field Description Errors If the import causes an error, the line will be placed at the top of the loop list and will not be imported to the system. It is possible to know the reason for the error in this column. Action Update: the loop is not new, but it will be updated into the Active Kanban Loops table. Attention: every updated kanban loop loses all the information previously entered in all fields and acquires the new ones inserted in the Excel file! Add new: a new kanban loop is added to the table Active Kanban Loops.
Click on
Import data in KanbanBOX to complete the import. The data will now be entered into the Active Kanban Loops.
How to fill in the kanban loops import sheet
The sheet is divided into: - Columns: based on the maximum number of fields that can be imported in the Kanban Loops; - Lines: number of codes that you want to massively import in the Active Kanban Loops.
Column | Field | Field description | Field constraints |
1 | ID Kanban | Indicates the ID of the Kanban loop in the Active Kanban chart. Insert a value if you want to modify a kanban loop already existing in KanbanBOX. In case of a new kanban loop, do not enter any data in this field. |
Mandatory field, but only in some cases. |
2 | Type | Type of kanban loop:
Required field. Admitted values: production, purchase, sales, move, activity. |
3 | Part number | Part number of the component managed through Kanban. | Required field. It must be an existing part number in the Parts master of KanbanBOX. |
4 | Supplier | Supplier name (internal or external) of the kanban loop. | Required field. It must be an existing name for the Supplier in the KanbanBOX master data. |
5 | Customer | Customer name (internal or external) of the kanban loop. | Required field. It must be an existing name for the Customer in the KanbanBOX master data. |
6 | Manager | Username of the owner of the kanban loop. | Optional. If present, it must be an existing Username in the KanbanBOX Users management table. |
7 | Location at supplier | Item location in the supplier supermarket/warehouse/line. | Optional. |
8 | Location at customer | Item location in the customer supermarket/warehouse/line. | Optional. |
9 | Kanban card | Type of Kanban card:
Required field. Admitted values: throwaway, reusable. |
10 | Loop custom field 1 | Kanban custom field 1, to be set in Company settings. | Optional. Maximum length of 255 characters. |
11 | Loop custom field 2 | Kanban custom field 2, to be set in Company settings. | Optional. Maximum length of 255 characters. |
12 | Loop custom field 3 | Kanban custom field 3, to be set in Company settings. | Optional. Maximum length of 255 characters. |
13 | Lead time | Lead time for kanban replenishment, in working days. | Required field. It must be a number |
14 | Safety lead time | Number of working days to be added to the Lead time to absorb possible delays. | Optional. It must be a number. |
15 | Consumption per day | Maximum daily consumption of the part. | Optional. It must be a number. |
16 | Minimum batch size | Minimum quantity to make an order for that item. | Optional. It must be a number. |
17 | Multiple batch size | Multiple purchase quantity when reaching the minimum purchase lot. | Optional. It must be a number. |
18 | Required capacity per unit | Processing time of a material unit. | Optional. It must be a number. |
19 | Grouping | Identification, category or group of components. | Optional. |
20 | Multiprocess | Multiprocess kanban (present only if the multiprocess function is active). | Optional. Admitted values: "no", "yes". |
21 | Multiprocess explode on | Explode trigger for multiprocess kanban (present only if the multiprocess function is active). | Required for multiprocess kanban. Admitted values: "manual", "released", "process". |
22 | Bin | Type of bin for the part. | Optional. If present, it must be the name of an existing bin in the KanbanBOX container registry. |
23 | Bin capacity | Maximum number of item units that can be stored in the bin or generic packaging. | Optional. It must be a number. |
23 | Policy | Kanban loop management:
Required field. Admitted values: kanban, batch, signal. |
25 | Number of kanban cards | Total number of kanban cards for the loop. | Required field. If the Policy is signal, it must be 1. |
26 | Quantity per kanban | Amount of units to restore for each Kanban card. | Required field. It must be a number. |
27 | Batch of kanban | When kanban policy is set on batch, in this field it's necessary to indicate the minimum number of kanban that must be batched before releasing to the supplier. | It's a required field only if the Policy is batch. |
28 | Reorder point | When kanban policy is set on signal, in this field it's necessary to indicate re-order point for the signal kanban. | It's a required field only if the Policy is signal. |
29 | Card unit price | Unit price of the cards. | Optional. |
30 | Currency | Currency (ex. 'EUR', 'USD', 'GBP'). | Optional. |
31 | Default card reference | Default value for card reference. | Optional. |
32 | Schedule Activation | Activation date of the kanban project. | Optional. Only if the file is imported from the projects, the modifications will be activated at the specified date. |
For each completed line, a new kanban loop will be added to the table Active Kanban.
When compiling, follow these rules:
- Do not change the name of the sheet Kanban loops or it will not be considered during the import;
- Do not change the name of the fields or the data will not be considered during the import;
- Additional sheets will not be considered during import;
- Additional columns will not be considered during import;
- Any missing columns will be considered as invalid values;
- The cells of the columns cannot contain formulas.
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